
Discover the transformative power of coachWOW through the inspiring testimonials of parents.

We are so thankful for coachwow. We were in a tough place because my son had no direction after high school. I was elated when I discovered coachwow helps young adults. I searched but could not find any help. I believe this program is the only one that has coaches with experience helping young adults find a purpose and direction. My son has only been in the program for 6 weeks and we are already seeing a shift in his attitude. Fingers crossed, I believe this may be the answer!

Marlene Baker

This is not like traditional coaching. It’s so much better. My daughter gets around the clock access with her coach. At first, I thought we would get one session a week. My daughter was nervous because she didn’t feel comfortable talking to a stranger about her problems. But when we enrolled, we learned that my daughter can communicate with her coach however she feels comfortable. My daughter and her coach converses back and forth multiple times a week. My husband and I have noticed that she is more open with us and we are also starting to notice that she is not on the phone as much. We are forever grateful for coachwow.

Agnus Watters 

We enrolled in February. My child was very resistant. I attended several of the parent coaching sessions. One of the coaches gave me the idea to allow my child to do social media as long as they do coachwow. Of course, my child said yes and so far she has made improvements every month. I highly recommend coachwow!

Susan Shaw 

Love coachwow. I’ve had a business coach before but they take on a different approach to accommodate teenagers and their schedule. There’s no way my teen would talk to a coach for an hour every week. Instead he love messages back and forth when it’s convenient for him. I noticed that the coaches work on more than the issues you list. The longer your child stays in the more the grow. Their aims to impact all areas of their lives. I told my teen that he will stay in until he graduates lol.

Marlene Lakshmi

We only stayed in the program for one month. The support team was fantastic. They gave me a full refund even though their policy states otherwise. We will be back. This program deserves five stars.

Keysha Lewis 

I enrolled my daughter because of social media addiction, peer pressure, and her dishonesty.

We have been in the program for five months and she is no longer addicted to social media and she doesn’t give in to peer pressure. We are still working on her dishonesty but I am hopeful.

Christina Zhang

We love coachwow! 3/4 kids enrolled. When my youngest turns 10 it will be 4/4.

Asmee Shaan

If you are reading this, sign up immediately. I’m shocked that we get so much for just $200 a month. All the other life coaching programs are thousands of dollars. If you are planning on joining don’t hesitate. It will grow you as a parent while helping your child be a responsible teenager.

Chris Simpson 

We just enrolled and excited to get started. Thank you for making mental health coaching cool for teens.

Reginald Waiters

Wow! It makes sense that it’s in their name. The coaches at coachwow are amazing. My daughter and son had different coaches but we liked both of them. Another bonus is that parents get to participate.  We also have small group sessions each week. This is a fantastic program. Our plan is to stay in it until my kids graduate. As long as they do not drastically raise the prices, we can pay $200 a month for the next 6 years.

Belinda Stewart

Easy to use, convenient, affordable. Why would anyone do therapy when you can choose coachwow for your kids.

Russ Babineaux

We love the team at coachwow. The coaches are fantastic and we absolutely love how convenient it is for our family.

Ravi Chande 

This is the fourth month and my son is still participating. You guys are doing something right.

Paula Livingston 

Before coachwow, my daughter would spend 12 hours a day on the phone. I tried everything to try to manage her time with technology. Every time it ends in a fight. The coaches help teens realize the benefits of managing their time on social media. It my daughter about 10 weeks in the program before it clicked. We haven’t fought about her phone since. I would give ten stars if it was possible.

Alicia Frank

This is the perfect program for teens. Last year, we tried therapy but we were very busy and the therapist would book out several weeks. We found coachwow on Facebook. I was very impressed with the ease to enroll. My son’s coach contacted him within 24 hours of enrolling. The format is perfect for a teen. We don’t have to wait for a weekly appointment. My son can contact his coach anytime. If you are considering therapy, try coachwow first!!!

Berenice Gonzalez 

I am so glad I enrolled in coachwow. My daughter was so disrespectful to me before coaching we fought all of the time. I attended to parent sessions that they offer and discovered my role in the conflict. After implementing the recommended strategies, our relationship began to blossom. Thank you! I love this company!

Kelsey Williams 

Working with coachwow has been life-changing for my son. He was stuck in a rut, feeling unmotivated and lost. But his coach was able to unlock his motivation and now I no longer have to nag. If you’re looking for an amazing life coaching program for an unmotivated boy, coachwow is your go-to!

Christina Mills